Save a search

User Role: Administrator, Explorer, Analyst Duration: 15 min Objective: To learn how to save a search so that it can be viewed later or used in other modules such as the alert and dashboard

Agenda of the training session


  • Describe the 3 components of a search
  • Export a search (saved or not) outside Cikisi in RSS format
  • Save a search within Cikisi
  • Consult a search (saved)
  • Modify a search (saved)
  • Export a search (saved) outside Cikisi in JSON, CSV, RSS formats
  • Be alerted by email of new results of a search (saved)


User Manual(s)

Cikisi training recherche sauvegardée

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  • How many searches can I save?

    You are free to create as many searches as you wish.

  • Who can access my searches?

    A search inherits the access rights of the topic or collection from which it was created.

  • Why should I save a search when I have the option of using topics?

    Firstly, the topics listed within a topic in WATCH mode are the same for all users with access to that topic. However, it is likely that within a general topic, some users may wish to further refine the results. For example: from the topic "blockchain" in the theme "digital innovation", I would like to see only articles related to the concept of "fintech". Secondly, because a search can be saved in the same way from a collection that is not searchable in WATCH mode.

  • Can I create a search from a topic within a theme?

    Yes, from the topic in WATCH mode, select the Topic or Topics Set and then click the "Show in Search" button and the items will appear in SEARCH mode. Then save the search.