Working with collections, storage spaces

User Role: Administrator, Explorer, Analyst Duration: 1 heure Objective: To learn how to use collections to capitalise on company knowledge and structure its deliverables

Agenda of the training session


  • Principles
  • Accessing collections already created
  • Searching within a collection and exploring a collection
  • Navigating between collections
  • Creating a new collection
  • Organising collections (hierarchy)
  • Editing and deleting a collection
  • Exporting a collection
  • Adding an item to a collection
  • Removing an item from a collection
  • Private collections
  • "Read later" collection
  • "My Created Items" collection
  • "My documents" collection
  • Automatically populate a collection with MILA



User Manual(s)


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  • Do I have to add an article to a collection to keep it in my platform?

    No. Cikisi archives each article collected by its crawlers and it will therefore remain available regardless of whether or not it has been added to a collection.

  • Can a collection be the child of several parent collections?

    Yes, the organisation of the collections that Cikisi has opted for allows you to have great flexibility. For example, the "African Cup of Nations" collection can be the child of the "Africa" collection but also of the "Football" collection.

  • Can I add an item to several collections?

    Yes, the same item can belong to as many collections as you like.

  • When can I ask MILA to help me populate my collections?

    MILA needs to have an average of 50 relevant items in the collection before it can assist you. Remember to give MILA clear instructions.