Organising your sources using categories

User Role: Administrator, Explorer Duration: 5 min Objective: To learn good practice in source categorisation

Agenda of the training session


  • Why categorise sources
  • How to create and manage source categories
  • Good practices to follow



Why categorise sources


Categorising sources is necessary to link them to a theme, a working space within which you will filter the information collected on the web.

The theme will thus be fed exclusively by sources selected for their relevance to the theme.




  • Link the "Innovation" theme to sources categorised as "innovation", "technologies" and "patent".
  • Link the theme "Reputation" to sources categorised as "news" and "blogs
  • Link the theme "Supermarket competition" to sources categorised as "agri-food" and "distribution


Categorising sources helps to avoid noise, i.e. results that match your filters but are not relevant because they are often "out of context".


Creating and managing source categories


In order to ensure that the source categories are well managed, only users with the "administrator" role can create and manage the source categories of the client account.

This can be done via the "Admin" menu, submenu "Sources Categories" which leads to the list of already created categories.


The administrator can :


  • Create a new category using the "Add Category" button in the top right corner of the interface
  • Edit and modify the name of a category using the "Edit" button
  • Delete a category using the "bin" button
  • Merge a category with another using the "bin" button and then selecting the category you wish to merge with



Good practice to follow


  • Ideally use one word, two or three maximum
  • The category should express the subjects that the source mainly covers (e.g. the source "Football magazine" could be categorised as "sports" even if it sometimes carries other news)
  • Use the same language for all your categories, making it easier for users to identify them
  • Do not use special characters in your categories as Cikisi will refuse the creation
  • Cikisi transforms capital letters into lower case when saving the category




Related video tutorials

Using source categories


  • What is the difference between a category and a tag?

    In fact, both are tags. However, marking a source in Cikisi is done with a category whereas marking an article is done with a tag.

  • How can I distinguish between a category created by an administrator of my customer account and the Cikisi categories, known as "community" categories

    When you want to use Cikisi categories in the theme settings, they will appear in the list in blue and will be preceded by a blue C.

  • Can I use country names as categories?

    No. You are free to create any categories you want. However, if you wish to categorise sources by country, it is preferable to use the source qualification field called "Source Country".