Key Performance Indicators - KPI Summary

User Role: Administrator Duration: 30 min Objective: Know how to measure your organization's use of Cikisi solution

Cikisi has developed a series of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track your organization's use of our solutions (WMT, Readers Portal, Mobile, API).

Users with the Administrator role can access these KPIs by selecting the KPI Summary submenu from the main left side menu ADMIN.

The KPIs are divided into several sections that you can expand or collapse.
Within these sections, most KPIs are calculated over 4 time periods: last 24 hours, last 7 days, last 30 days and last 365 days.

Global KPIs

This first section shows the global indicators of Cikisi.

  • Collected items: indicates the number of articles automatically collected by the Cikisi WMT application, published exclusively by your targeted sources :
    • This indicator highlights the productivity gain brought by Cikisi in the collection of items
    • Your targeted sources are those listed in your Sources table.
    • If you use Cikisi community sources, this KPI will be zero but the productivity gain is infinite, given that you have daily access to millions of new articles
  • Connections: indicates the number of authentications performed by the users of your organization on the various Cikisi solutions
    • These are "login" type authentications (email/password) or via SSO
    • Only successful authentications are counted
    • If you do not force the logout on a regular basis (ADMIN/My Client/Security/Automatic Logout) then this KPI will not be representative of the use made of our solutions by your users (we recommend an automatic logout every 720 minutes)
    • If this KPI is low, it does not mean that Cikisi solutions are not useful for your organization. This can be the case when your users prefer to consume information within Cikisi alerts and/or newsletters without feeling the need to connect to Cikisi solutions to read online articles
  • Items read : indicates the number of articles read online, on one of the Cikisi solutions
    • This indicator highlights the informational contribution of Cikisi
    • If you work with targeted sources, it also indirectly indicates the productivity gain brought by Cikisi in the selection (filter) of articles
    • This KPI does not take into account the articles read within the alerts/newsletters
  • Items tagged: indicates the number of items tagged by your users
    • This indicator is only relevant if your organization uses tags as a method to classify relevant information
    • In such a case, it allows you to evaluate the quantity of relevant items that will be easily accessible by your users later using a tag-based search
    • This KPI measures the knowledge gain/capitalization for your organization
  • Comments posted: indicates the number of comments posted by your users below the articles
    • This indicator measures the contribution of your users to the shared knowledge
    • It is necessary to encourage your users to post their comments/analyses below the articles they consider relevant.
  • Number of item additions in collections : indicates the number of operations to add items to collections
    • This indicator is only relevant if your organization uses collections as a method of organizing useful information
    • It shows how well your organization categorizes relevant information, allowing you to capitalize on it in the months/years to come
    • This KPI measures the knowledge gain/capitalization for your organization
  • Unique items added to a collection: indicates the number of items added to at least one collection
    • This indicator is only relevant if your organization uses collections as a method of organizing useful information
    • The indicator is very similar to the previous one but here, if an item is added to two collections, the value is 1 whereas in the previous case it would have been two.
    • It is logical that the previous indicator is higher than this one.
    • The higher the ratio between these two indicators, the more it indicates that the same item is found in several collections
    • The ratio between this indicator and the "Items read" indicator allows to judge the quality of the filters configured in Cikisi. The closer the ratio is to 1, the more we can consider that what Cikisi offers for reading is relevant.
  • Emails sent: indicates the number of emails sent by Cikisi to your users
    • It can be alerts, newsletters or articles shared by email from Cikisi
    • If an alert is sent to 10 users, then it contributes for 10 to this indicator
    • This indicator is a measure of the information sharing with your users using email
    • If this indicator is low but your organization uses other means to share relevant information such as API or reader portal then there is no need to worry
  • Opened emails: indicates the number of emails sent by Cikisi (in any period) for which Cikisi received an open confirmation during the period
    • This can be alerts, newsletters or articles shared by email from Cikisi
    • This indicator is a measure of the interest of your users in the deliverables generated from Cikisi
    • Be careful, this indicator is only representative if the email service used by your users sends back an acknowledgement of opening/reading. In the same way, several email services also allow you to consult an email without having to open it.
    • The real opening rate is therefore higher than this indicator
    • As a general rule this indicator tends to decrease if the frequency of alerts/newsletters increases. In other words, the open rate of a weekly newsletter is often higher than that of a daily newsletter.
  • Emails clicks : indicates the number of clicks made by your users within the emails sent by Cikisi
    • It can be a click from an alert, a newsletter or an article shared by email from Cikisi
    • The click can refer to the original article from the source or to the article displayed within a Cikisi solution
    • This indicator is a measure of the interaction between emails and Cikisi solutions
    • The more the deliverables (alerts/newsletters) take up the essence of the articles, the lower the number of clicks.
    • In order to bring your users back to Cikisi solutions, it is necessary to make from time to time "teasing" inciting to click.
  • Opening rate : indicates the opening rate of the emails sent by Cikisi to your users
    • This is the ratio between the number of opened emails and the number of sent emails
    • This rate is lower than the reality (see remarks "Opened emails")
    • In general, the open rate increases with the period. This is quite logical since not all your users open their emails daily but sometimes with a day or a week delay
    • It is also possible that this rate is higher than 100% as users can open today alerts/newsletters sent several days ago.
  • Click rate: indicates the click rate within the emails opened by your users
    • This is the ratio between the number of clicks made within the emails sent by Cikisi and the number of emails for which Cikisi has received an acknowledgement of opening
    • This rate can be higher than 100% if your users' email services do not always return an acknowledgement of opening or when users click on several articles of the same alert/newsletter.



  • This table shows the number of users currently registered on Cikisi, by user role.
    • These metrics are used to review the number of Cikisi licenses
  • The number of user groups is also displayed


  • This table shows the number of alerts created on Cikisi WMT, for each notification frequency
  • ASAP = as soon as possible (usually every 5 minutes)


  • This table shows the number of themes (filtered information) and collections (human-validated information) configured on your Cikisi WMT solution


  • This table shows the number of newsletters created on Cikisi WMT as well as the total number of editions

Web Monitoring Tool KPIs

  • Visits: indicates the number of visits to the WMT application dedicated to watchers/information specialists
    • A visit does not necessarily mean an authentication (see connections)
    • A visit is considered as a continuous activity on Cikisi, i.e. no period of inactivity exceeding 15 minutes
    • Any activity occurring after more than 15 minutes of inactivity is therefore counted as a new visit
  • Connections: indicates the number of authentications performed by your organization's users on Cikisi WMT
    • These are "login" type authentications (email/password)
    • Only successful authentications are counted
    • If you do not force the logout on a regular basis (ADMIN/My Client/Security/Automatic Logout) then this KPI will not be representative of the use made of the Cikisi WMT solution (we recommend an automatic logout every 720 minutes)
    • If this KPI is low, it does not mean that Cikisi solutions are not useful for your organization. This may be the case when your users prefer to consume information within Cikisi alerts and/or newsletters without feeling the need to connect to Cikisi solutions to read online articles
  • Unique Connections : indicates the number of connections (see above) made to the Cikisi WMT solution by different users during the period
    • If a user connects more than once then it only contributes to one connection
  • Users: indicates the number of users who used Cikisi WMT during the period
    • This indicator, mainly related to a period of one month, makes it possible to evaluate the number of users whose WMT license is really used
  • Items read: indicates the number of items read online, on the Cikisi WMT solution
    • This indicator highlights the informational contribution of Cikisi
    • If you work with targeted sources, it also indirectly indicates the productivity gain brought by Cikisi in the selection (filter) of articles
    • This KPI does not take into account the articles read within the alerts/newsletters

Readers Portal KPIs

  • Connections: indicates the number of authentications performed by the readers of your organization on the readers' portal
    • These are "login" type authentications (email/password) or via SSO
      Only successful authentications are counted
    • If you do not force logout on a regular basis (ADMIN/My Client/Security/Automatic Logout) then this KPI will not be representative of the use made of the reading portal by the Readers - we recommend an automatic logout every 720 minutes
    • If this KPI is low, it does not mean that Cikisi solutions are not useful for your organization. This may be the case when your readers prefer to consume information within Cikisi alerts and/or newsletters without feeling the need to connect to Cikisi solutions to read online articles
  • Unique Connections : indicates the number of connections (see above) made to the reading portal by different readers during the period
    • If a reader connects more than once then it only contributes for one connection
    • Registered readers that never connected during this period : indicates the number of readers who did not connect to the reading portal during this period
    • If this indicator is high, it means that your readers may be viewing your alerts and/or newsletters, but they either don't feel the need to view the full articles or search the portal, or they are not aware that these features exist
  • Visits: indicates the number of visits made to the reading portal by your organization's readers
    • A visit does not necessarily mean an authentication (see connections)
    • A visit is considered as a continuous activity on Cikisi, i.e. without any period of inactivity exceeding 15 minutes
    • Any activity occurring after more than 15 minutes of inactivity is therefore counted as a new visit
  • Average pages viewed by 1,000 readers : indicates the average number of pages viewed by 1,000 readers
    • A page is either the view of an entire article, or a page with several article previews (such as a search results page or the homepage of the reading portal where the Newsfeed is displayed)
    • This metric is scaled to 1,000 readers to be independent of the number of registered readers
  • Pages viewed: indicates the total number of pages viewed by all readers
    • A page is either the view of an entire article or a page with multiple article views (such as a search results page or the homepage of the reading portal where the Newsfeed is displayed)
  • Average pages viewed by visit : indicates the average number of pages viewed (see above) per visit (see above)
  • Average pages viewed by reader : indicates the average number of pages viewed (see above) per reader
  • Items read: indicates the number of items read online within the reading portal
    • This indicator highlights the informational contribution to your entire organization
    • This KPI does not take into account items read within alerts/newsletters
  • Redirections to original websites: indicates the number of redirections from the reading portal to the original websites where the articles were published
  • Items shared : indicates the number of items shared between colleagues from the reading portal using the "share item with colleague" function
  • Average items shared per user : indicates the average number of items shared per user
  • Average items shared per visit : indicates the average number of items shared per visit

TOP 10 Newsletters / Top 10 Alerts

  • Listed here are the top 10 most viewed (opened) newsletters and alerts