How to automatically share content to users who do not have access to the Cikisi web application?

User Role: Administrator, Explorer, Analyst Duration: 20 min Objective: To learn the different methods of automatic information sharing available in Cikisi and their respective use cases in order to make the right choice

Agenda of the training session

  • Introduction
  • The 4 types of automatic sharing
  • RSS and JSON exports
  • The Cikisi Mobile application
  • The Cikisi API
  • Cikisi alerts
  • Tips


It is crucial to share the information you have collected, filtered or selected within or outside your organisation.

Indeed, this is how relevant information will have the maximum impact on your organisation and your business.

This training session is dedicated to automatic sharing methods, that is to say those that do not require human intervention.

They are therefore easily implemented.

The 4 types of automatic sharing supported by Cikisi

Cikisi has developed 4 types of automatic sharing:

  • Cikisi alerts
  • RSS and JSON feeds
  • The Cikisi Mobile application
  • The Cikisi API


Cikisi alerts

Cikisi has a module for sending notifications by email.

The recipients of the alerts receive an email from the address <>

Each user of the Cikisi web platform can create an alert from the Share menu, Alerts tab.


An alert can be linked to one or more saved searches or collections.

The user can choose between two predefined HTML templates, which can be customized (colours, logo, etc.).

It is also possible to determine how often the alert is sent: ASAP (immediate), every hour, every day, etc.

Use case :

  • Immediate sending of an alert to the "Marketing" user group when the search "E-reputation Bad Buzz" has a new result
  • Every Monday morning, an alert is sent to the "Sales BENELUX" user group when new articles are added to the "Key Accounts BENELUX" collection



RSS and JSON exports

Cikisi offers you the possibility to export sources, topics, searches and collections in the form of an RSS or JSON feed.


  • Export of articles published by a source in RSS:
  • Export of articles published by a source in JSON:

RSS feeds are automatically updated by Cikisi.

By inserting them into an RSS feed reader, within an intranet portal or your website, you can share content without the need for human intervention.

By generating an RSS feed of a search, it is possible to feed a CRM with recent articles about a customer.

By opting for an RSS feed of a collection, you can feed your company's intranet portal with information about your markets or competitors.

It is also possible to link this RSS feed to screens in your meeting rooms, at your visitor reception or at the entrance of your company restaurant in order to easily reach your audience.



The Cikisi Mobile application

Cikisi has developed a mobile application allowing each user with access to the Cikisi web platform to monitor the news from anywhere and at any time.

Users who do not have access to the Cikisi web application, but are registered as collaborators, can also connect to the mobile application.

This way, they will have access to the collections intended for them, they will be able to read the shared articles but also to tag them or comment on them.

 This is a very effective way to increase the Cikisi community and collaboration on topics of interest.

 To increase their membership, they also have access to the "Cikisi Regional News" section and personal searches within the Cikisi database.

This application is available on iOS (iPhone) and will soon be available for Android operating systems.


The Cikisi API

The Cikisi REST API allows the Cikisi application to be connected to third party applications.

This can be an intranet portal, a CRM, a Business Intelligence tool, a Knowledge Management platform, etc.

It is also a mode of "on-demand" sharing, as it is possible to make complex and customised requests.

The API also allows access to archives and not only to recent articles.

The possibilities are therefore unlimited, for example

  • Access to collected articles but also to all metadata associated with them.
  • Queries based on geolocation
  • Search for similar articles
  • ect.

Instructions for developers are available at the following link:



  • Before automatically sharing content, make sure it is relevant enough and has little noise. If the recipient has to deal with too much noise every day, he or she will not bother to read the shared content. Ideally, an automatic share should consist of at least 10% strategic articles and more generally 80% relevant articles.
  • It is always better to do several specific shares than one that covers all topics. The content must be interesting to the reader. There is no point in sending articles about the Asian market to a salesperson who is only active on the African continent.
  • Always select a good day and time to send alerts. The objective is that the email sent by Cikisi is not drowned in the mass and can be consulted by the majority of the recipients.
  • Outside of Cikisi, make sure you respect the regulations in force regarding the sharing of content (reproduction rights). In case of doubt, it is advisable to limit the export to the short description of the article (notion of "snippet").
  • Do not hesitate to contact your Cikisi sales representative for advice on information sharing.


User Manual(s)

Cas d'emploi de l'API Cikisi

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  • What is the difference between an alert and a newsletter?

    The alert is an automatic sharing mode, whereas the newsletter requires a human action to trigger the sending of the newsletter (changing its status to "published"). In the case of the newsletter, the editor can manually edit and modify its content, which is not the case in the alert automatically generated by Cikisi. The newsletter can also be generated in HTML and PDF formats, unlike the alert which is always in HTML format.