Explore your themes and collections

User Role: Administrator, Explorer, Analyst Duration: 50 min Objective: To discover the main features of the Explore mode

Objective of the Explore mode

With the help of various visualisations

  • identify trends (strong signals) or weak signals and
  • discover the "informational nuggets" within your

within your collected, filtered (topics, searches) or validated (collections) data.

Data that can be visualised

 The data comes from the articles of your topics or collections.

Cikisi allows you to choose from about twenty data related to the article.

This is the metadata from :

  • the collection (words in the title, date of publication, etc.),
  • enrichment processes (language detected, named entities extracted, financial amounts extracted, geolocation, etc.) or
  • the characteristics of its source (country, domain name, etc.).

The Explore mode allows you to process and view data related to up to 500,000 items.


If you decide to explore a larger set of articles, Cikisi will represent the 500,000 most relevant articles, selected by creation date (from oldest to newest).This may have an impact on the visualization of the ITEMS Date metadata as a curve (occurrences will appear lower for the most recent dates).


Viewing modes

It is often possible to visualise the same data using different representations: histogram, word cloud, mosaic, etc.

Some data such as geolocations or financial amounts can only be represented in a specific form.


The visualisations are dynamic, i.e. they adapt according to the filters selected during your exploration.

A way to quickly discover the strong and weak signals hidden within your set of items.

By selecting a value (or several values) for a data item within a representation, it filters the initial selection of items.

This will continue to be the case throughout your exploration as the filters accumulate. By starting with a huge mass of information and accumulating a few filters, it is possible to quickly identify the few strategic articles.

Related video tutorials

Presentation of the Explore mode