Create an alert - NEW module

User Role: Administrator, Explorer, Analyst Duration: 30 min Objective: Learn how to create and customize an alert

General operating principles

An alert consists of a set of notifications sent by Cikisi to one or more users registered in Cikisi.

  • The recipients of the notification can be users of all roles (Administrator, Explorer, Analyst, Reader...)
  • The notification is exclusively sent by email
  • The notification is made in HTML format (no PDF option)
  • The notification is sent automatically, without requiring human intervention
  • The items in the notification cannot be modified within the notification before it is sent
  • The notification sent is not saved in Cikisi


The three most frequent types of alert

  • Alert created from saved searches that do not contain a filter linked to a human added metadata (collection, tag) - In such a case, the selection of the articles present in a notification is automatically done by Cikisi, without human intervention.
  • Alert created from saved search(s) containing at least one filter linked to a humanly added metadata (collection, tag) - In this case, the selection of items to be displayed in the notification is done jointly by Cikisi and the users
  • Alert created from collection(s) - The selection of items to be included in the notification is under the exclusive control of the users


Choose the right way to select the items to notify

Only the items whose date is later than the date of the last notification will be present in the future notification. By definition, the first notification date is equal to the alert creation date.

The user can choose one of the following 3 dates to consider:

  • (Estimated) publication date
  • Indexing date (creation date in Cikisi)
  • Date of addition to the collection for collections or date of creation for searches - this is the so-called "hybrid" mode

When opting for the publication date, some articles may not be notified when they were published before the last notification N but were collected (created in Cikisi) after it.
They were not part of the N notification because they had not yet been collected and will not be part of the N+1 notification because they will not have been published after the N notification. Given the frequency of collection (60 minutes for most sources), this happens mainly with ASAP notifications and every hour. It is also important to remember that the publication date is not always displayed in the article or is not displayed in a format recognized by Cikisi (recognition rate of the publication date by Cikisi: 98%). It is therefore possible in a few % of the cases to be notified of an article estimated as having been published recently but being in fact older.

For exhaustive notifications, you can work with the creation date of the article. In this case, however, the notification may include articles with old publication dates but which were collected and created after the last notification.

Finally, by working with the date of addition to the collection, one can control what will be part of the future notification.


Creating an alert

To create a new alert, from the main menu on the left select the "Alerts" menu.
On the top left of the table of alerts already created, select the blue + button.

The "Settings" tab opens and allows you to give a name and description to your alert. These fields will appear in your alerts table.

Next, choose a notification frequency:

  • ASAP - As soon as possible (on the order of 5 minutes)
  • Hourly, daily, weekly, monthly

Note that for daily alerts, you can select the notification days. Thus, you can ask that your alerts are sent only during the weekdays and not during the weekend.

Finally, you can decide to display or not the alert in the readers' portal.


Customization of the alert template

The customization can be done within the "Content" tab that can be selected at the top left of the interface.
The preview on the right allows you to see the rendering of your alert (form only, not the background).

  • Email Details:
    • Alias of the sender
      • If empty, the name of your customer will be used
    • Subject of the email
      • If empty, the name of the alert will be used
  • Header
    • Logo (top left) or Banner (full width of the template)
      • Maximum file size that can be uploaded: 2 MB
      • Accepted formats: .png, .jpg, .jpeg
      • If empty, the logo/banner from your client account will be used
        • If empty, the Cikisi logo/banner will be used
  • Introduction
    • Display or not the introduction section
    • If displayed :
      • Display or not of "Hello User First Name".
      • Display the default introduction text or customize it
      • Display or not the details of the alert (creator and frequency)
      • Choice of text and background color for the introduction section
  • Headlines
    • Display or not the titles of the sections (searches/collections) and the titles of the articles included in the notification
    • If displayed, choice of text color for these titles
  • Display model of the articles
    • Display or not the images of the articles
      If image, option "crop" (crop the image to fit exactly in the space provided for the image) or "resize" (decrease the L/H size of the image to fit the space provided for the image)
    • Choice of the title color of the articles
    • Choice of displaying or not the time in the date
    • Choice of displaying the description of the article OR an excerpt in which Cikisi has found the keywords of the saved search
    • Choice of the text color of the article description
    • Allow readers to suggest improvements for this alert
  • Selection of articles
    • Allow or not allow the same article to be displayed in several sections
    • Group or not group similar articles in the same section (and same notification) - Choose the degree of similarity
    • Choice of the selection mode of the articles to notify (see above)
  • Footer of the email
    • Add or not a custom text in the footer
    • Display or not the regulatory Cikisi footer (Cikisi Warning Message)

Test the rendering of your template within your email service using the "Send Alert Example" button at the top right of the preview.

Select the sections of items included in the notifications
Select the sections you would like to appear within your new alert email notifications by clicking the "Add section" button at the bottom of the preview. A section can be a collection or a saved search.

Then choose a color for the section title and background. You can also change the order of the sections by simply "dragging and dropping".

When your sections are several collections, you can decide to display in the notification only one section grouping the articles present simultaneously in all the collections by selecting the option "apply AND operator" between the collections.


Save your alert!
From the table of your alerts, add the recipients of your alert
If you leave this list empty, the alert will appear in red in your table.

Allowed operations in the alerts table

  • Edit an alert to modify it
  • Modify the list of recipients
  • Delete an alert
  • Duplicate an alert (to keep your model)
  • Consult the statistics of the alert (notification dates, opening of alerts, etc.)
  • Turn the alert OFF (it will no longer notify but will remain saved for future use)

Want to know what will be the content of your future notification?

Use the "Send Test Alert" button on the top right of the preview.

User Manual(s)

Type 1 alert: Automatic selection

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Type 2 alert: Semi-manual selection

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Alert type 3: Manual selection

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How to select the items to be notified

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Related video tutorials


  • Why am I not receiving alerts?

    It is possible that you are not notified when you receive Cikisi alerts because your email address does not recognize the address To solve this problem, you need to check your junk mail, and then check with your IT department that this address is authorized.