Collecting publications from a website using a robot from a (geo)RSS feed

User Role: Administrator, Explorer Duration: 10 min Objective: To learn how to create a "(geo)RSS" source and to identify RSS feeds on websites

Agenda of the training session


  • Definition of a (geo)RSS feed
  • Use cases
  • Validity check
  • Benefits
  • Limitations
  • Technical principles
  • Frequency of collection
  • Finding the RSS feed(s) of a website

User Manual(s)

Robot partant d'un flux (geo)RSS

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Related video tutorials

How to find the RSS feed of a website?


  • When I create a collection robot from an RSS feed, will I collect old publications from the source?

    A priori no. The robot will collect the articles included in the RSS feed (XML file) and will not be able to "guess" the URL addresses of past articles. However, if the Cikisi crawler has already collected this source in the past, you will inherit the articles collected since the creation of this source.

  • If I can't find an RSS icon on the site, does that mean the site doesn't generate them?

    No, not specifically. Many websites and blogs generate RSS feeds but do not mention it. The user manual for this training session gives you some tips on how to find out.

  • Is it possible to massively import a list of RSS feeds into Cikisi?

    Yes, this is an operation that can be performed by our technical team from an MS Excel table. Contact your Cikisi sales representative for more details.