Collecting publications from a source – General

User Role: Administrator, Explorer Duration: 5 min Objective: To learn how to access the source menu and its main features

Agenda of the training session


Where to find the sources menu

How to create a new source

The different types of sources





Related video tutorials

Création d'une source - Aperçu


  • What is a "targeted intelligence source" (TARGET) and what are its advantages?

    A TARGET source means that the source itself can identify where the information comes from. This could be a blog of anti-5G activists, the website of an online media, the Twitter account of a biotechnology expert, the Facebook page of a chocolate manufacturer, etc. Targeted monitoring brings you high relevance and very little noise. By collecting only food-related sources, the likelihood of coming across information about news or sports results is very low. Professional monitoring is generally based on targeted sources. This is why Cikisi allows you to categorise each source according to its theme and then, thanks to this category, to link it to a given theme.

  • Do I have to create sources to use CikisI?

    No. Every day, Cikisi collects, enriches and indexes several million articles in different languages. By creating a theme and linking it to all Cikisi sources (sourcing: ALL), you will have direct access to these articles. However, if you do not find the most famous sources of your business sector, it is advisable to add them using this Sources module.

  • Can I ask Cikisi to add sources for me?

    Yes, the configuration of your platform is part of the paid professional services we offer. Contact your Cikisi sales representative if you wish to benefit from this service.

  • What are the limitations in terms of the number of sources added?

    The total number of sources linked to a customer account is unlimited. However, the total number of "social network" sources is limited to 150 because access to these sources requires a more expensive anonymization. If you have specific needs exceeding this limit, please contact your Cikisi sales representative.

  • What are the steps to add a source requiring authentication (login)?

    It is not possible to do it within the platform by yourself. It is necessary to contact the technical department, via your Cikisi sales representative. Cikisi will make sure that the collection of the source is allowed by its general conditions of use.

  • What does the "paid source" option mean in the case of a collection robot starting from an RSS feed?

    This option should be ticked when your RSS feed has been generated by a third-party platform on which you have an account (e.g. Factiva, Scopus, etc.). The address of the RSS feed usually contains an identifier (ID=56789) or a token linked to your company. Since the information listed in the feed is not publicly accessible, Cikisi has to treat it differently.