Readers Portal - Webinar 2022

User Role: Administrator, Explorer Duration: 30 min Objective: Set-up and navigate through the Readers Portal

The Readers Portal allows WMT users to share content with people outside the WMT platform (with a reader profile)

After checking the show in portal box in front of the newsletter, alert, or collection, they will be visible in the readers portal

It allows to empower the sharing of information to the readers, by offering several possibilities:

  • Allow users to consume validated information
  • Read online newsletters
  • Access to Topics (Collections on WMT)
  • Offer the possibility to its users to choose themselves the newsletters and alerts they want to subscribe to
  • Share Cikisi content with colleagues through share with collegues, which they can then find in shared with me

Follow the webinar below to understand everything about the Readers Portal

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  • Who has access to the readers Portal ?

    Any customer with a "standard" or "premium" contract has the right to use the Readers Portal, contact the Customer Success Team to activate it and follow the Readers Portal webinar